Breaking Free from the Grind: Navigating a New Path in 2024

Ask anyone what a graphic designer does, and you'll get a mixed bag of answers. From designing billboards to crafting book covers, building websites, whipping up business cards, you name it—graphic designers are expected to be the Swiss Army knife of creativity.

But let me tell you, it's a rollercoaster. One day, you're the superhero designer, entrusted to unravel the mysteries of a client's design conundrums. The next, you're dealing with a design-weary soul who thinks you're a telepathic artist, capable of conjuring their vision flawlessly. And then there's the client who believes you're a creative Costco, offering everything under the sun, and they're shocked when it's time to pay the tab.

Enough is enough. Why keep wrestling with these wonky systems while being undervalued? It's not just AI sneaking up on us; it's these online platforms convincing everyone they're design virtuosos, only to realize they're in deep waters and expecting a discount lifebuoy.

So, I'm calling it quits on the graphic design grind. Well, kinda.

Despite the wild rollercoaster, I genuinely love the design process—the figuring it all out. No more one-on-one gigs, though. It's fun for a while, but consistency in income is about as rare as a quiet day in a coffee shop.

Enter 2024, the year of refocusing. I've got a passion for teaching. Charging for quick website tweaks or crafting social media posts feels a bit off when it takes just a few minutes. But the real struggle is syncing schedules with small businesses and solopreneurs who need help pronto.

Time for a change. Social media and website builders are here to stay. So, here's the game plan for this year:

  • Quick Social Media Tips & Tricks

  • How to Structure and Build Your Own Website

  • Introduction to AI

  • Comparing Online Tools

  • Navigating the Vast World Wide Web for Materials

  • A Day in the Life (let’s bond)

  • Building Online Communities

  • Art (yes, my own)

This revamped structure lets me manage my time better while gradually making this a full-time gig. Still gotta juggle my other full-time career for now. Ready to learn how to rock your online presence? Follow along as I build my own community and let’s ride this journey together.


Buckle Up for Change: Tips for Transitioning Your Website Provider